We are look­ing for a tal­ent­ed Junior Design­er! Join our small cre­ative team and work on some nation­al and inter­na­tion­al clients with excit­ing projects.

Your qual­i­fi­ca­tions:
— You have 1 year of expe­ri­ence in brand­ing, print and dig­i­tal design
— You have excel­lent Adobe CC skills
— Your com­mit­ment and inter­est in design is above average
— You are com­fort­able con­tribut­ing to all parts of the design process, from research, strat­e­gy and con­cept cre­ation to imple­men­ta­tion and artistry

We offer you:
— Inter­est­ing projects for excit­ing brands
— work­ing respon­si­bly on small projects
— Encour­age­ment of ini­tia­tive and creativity
— Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary work in a friend­ly and com­pe­tent team
— An attrac­tive work­place in Hamburg’s HafenCity

To apply, please email
with a PDF/link to your online portfolio