THE STUDIOS is an international design and branding agency

Who we are

Our ser­vice port­fo­lio ranges from cor­po­rate iden­ti­ty to
strate­gic con­sult­ing and includes prod­uct design, packaging
design, user inter­face design and nam­ing. Holis­tic brand
expe­ri­ences are cre­at­ed through our interdisciplinary
approach where the core of a brand orprod­uct is
empha­sised to its full potential.

Our two man­ag­ing direc­tors Peter Schmidt and Mar­cel Zandée com­bine many years of brand expe­ri­ence with holis­tic design com­pe­tence. This forms the per­fect basis for the devel­op­ment of a brand.

50 years expe­ri­ence in Brand­ing includ­ing brands like Jil Sander, Boss and Joop shows us cre­at­ing coher­ent brand­ing that unfolds the brands core and hon­est­ly dis­plays our clients’ per­son­al­i­ty — both inter­nal­ly and externally.

Our inter­na­tion­al award­ed Cor­po­rate Designs — for com­pa­nies, cul­tur­al insti­tu­tions and even indi­vid­u­als — visu­al­ize each client’s iden­ti­ty, true to its con­tent and char­ac­ter in a remark­able and rec­og­niz­able way.

Cre­at­ing a new prod­uct for us means clos­ing the cir­cle of Brand­ing merg­ing all its aspects into it by devel­op­ing ideas, defin­ing prob­lems and find­ing brand fit­ting solutions.

Pack­ag­ing Design is the first phys­i­cal con­tact with the client. There­fore, we cre­ate high class pack­ag­ing designs for prod­ucts in cos­met­ics, food or fash­ion that are unique, sig­nif­i­cant and memorable.

We cre­ate out­stand­ing books and mag­a­zines by trans­lat­ing abstract con­tent into an emo­tion­al high effec­tive visu­al shape to increase the read­abil­i­ty and understanding.

Every jour­ney starts with a good strat­e­gy. We cre­ate indi­vid­ual guides that lead the client to a unit­ed com­mu­ni­cat­ing and serves to achieve the company’s goal.

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Let’s talk about how we can help you.